Monday, July 29, 2013

What's In a Name?

Naming our baby girl actually turned out to be harder than we thought.  When we were engaged, my sister-in-law Rebecca threw me a bridal shower and asked Scott & I both the same questions for people to guess who answered what.  One of the questions asked what names we would like for our kids.  Without discussing this beforehand, Scott & I both answered with the name Kimberly for a girl. It was quite surprising to realize that we had both said the same name.

When we found out that we were having a girl, it made sense that the name Kimberly was at the top of the list on what to name her.  Figuring out a middle name that flowed took more time, however.  We both couldn't really agree on a middle name.  Since it took some time to figure that out, I started realizing that I just wasn't sure about the name Kimberly anymore.  I've been told that the best way to know if you really like a name is to say it out loud and I had a hard time saying the name Kimberly out loud.  It just didn't seem like the right name anymore.  Scott was a little disappointed and I did feel a little sad because we had both agreed on the name before we were even married!  How can this not be the name anymore?  What to do now?

Scott & I started looking at baby names in books and online.  It was a little difficult to figure out what I was looking for since Kimberly really was the only name we had in mind.  Also, being a teacher, there were a few names that were definitely out.  Looking back now, I'm pretty sure there are more boy names that I don't enjoy because of past students rather than girl names.  I also had opinions about which names are popular based on the number of students I've had with that name.  Spelling was big too since I've seen a lot of weird spelling.  I love this comic because it is a funny representation of names.

I decided that I still wanted a name with the "k" sound, like McKenna or McKenzie.  After looking at a lot of names and both of us dismissing a lot of names, we finally made a decision on a name we both enjoy.

Yes, we have gone with Kylie Fletcher!  I love it and we are not changing it last minute at the hospital because I spent time and money making those letters in that picture. Haha. Now, we do have a dilemma on picking a middle name for her!  This is probably something we will figure out at the hospital.  Here are the ideas we have so far for her:
  • Kylie Camille Fletcher
  • Kylie Cassidy Fletcher
  • Kylie Christina Fletcher
  • Kylie McKenna Fletcher
  • Kylie Elizabeth Fletcher
My favorite one is Kylie Elizabeth and I'm not sure which one is Scott's favorite, but he would like a middle name that starts with a "C" so our girl could have the nick-name of K.C.  Which one do you think works best?  Either way, there's only 10 days until her due date and her name will be official! :)


  1. I like kylie elizabeth or kylie christina. Kyle likes kylie camille or kylie elizabeth.

  2. Kylie McKenna has the k sound without being too matchy-matchy and Kylie Elizabeth flows really well. Bryan likes Kylie Elizabeth too.

  3. i like kylie elizabeth but to go for KC i like kylie christine (instead of christina)

  4. I like Kylie Elizabeth best, but that's just a Dad's (and Grandpa's) opinion! :-) Dad Jack
