Sunday, October 20, 2013

To My Postpartum Self

1. Accept your body for what it is right now.
          For some reason, you forget that it took 9 months to make the baby and so your body will not bounce back right away after having it.  It will take time for everything to adjust back to normal.  If I want to have the body I had before, it will take effort to get there.  If I am unhappy with my body, it is my fault.  Just remember that you are beautiful and your husband thinks so too.

2. Becoming a mother takes time.
            You will not be a perfect mother right away.  It will take a lot of learning to become the right mom for my baby.  Do your best to not compare yourself to others as nobody is perfect. Wisdom will come with time as well as becoming the best mom you want to be.

3. Being a teacher should be your second job.
             Teaching is a job that you have enjoyed so far.  However, my baby should always come first and being stressed about my job will not help in taking care of her.  Know that this job is only temporary and that working now will help you reach your ultimate goal of staying at home.

4. The postpartum baby blues can happen to you.
             No matter how great you feel, there will be days when you will feel down.  It is okay to be emotional and cry.  There is no reason to feel bad about being sad.  Becoming a parent is such a huge change that will take time to get used to.  Give yourself that time and don't bottle your emotions. Lean on your husband for support. And cry on his shoulder as much as you want.

5. Make sure to take time for yourself.
              It is just as important to care of yourself as you do for your baby.  Find something that will help you relax and be happy, whatever it may be.  Don't lose who you are in the process of becoming a mom.  Your family will thank you.

6. Don't forget about your husband.
              Your new baby is fun and cute and so is your husband.  Make sure he knows you love him just as much now as before the baby.  Don't put him on the back burner.  Try to go out on dates to have one-on-one time with him.  Tell him you love him everyday.

7. Keep up with the blog.
               You will thank yourself for continuing with the blog.  You will cherish the memories you took the time to write down.  It is okay that it is your form of journal writing because it is better than nothing. Write in it as often as you can.

8. Have a Christ centered home. 
                Having a baby does make a shift in your priorities, but don't let the gospel be one that slips down.  Go to church as often as you can and for as long as you can.  Even if you sit in the foyer, it's okay.  You don't want to forget how important it is to go to church.  Always remember to pray and lean on God for support.

9. Take a lot of pictures.
                Pictures provide memories for you and for future generations.  Pictures will give a glimpse into your life and who was involved in it.  You can never have too many pictures.  Always have a camera with you as you never know when there will be a picture-worthy opportunity.

10. Enjoy the every-day little things.
                   As fun as it is to go out and do activities, the best times will be in your home.  Cherish the cuddles and time spent with just you, your husband and baby.  Those moments will go by faster than you think.  Live in the present and love it.

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