Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Last year, towards the end of the year, I started having these feelings that we should try for another baby.  I'll admit that I was a little baby hungry seeing friends and people in the mommy group on Facebook having babies.  I was also a little nervous to think about having another one as things were going so well with Kylie and she wasn't even 18-months yet!  Scott and I talked about it and decided I would stop my birth control in the middle of December.  I was on a different birth control before having Kylie and it took almost a year to get pregnant when I got off of it, so I didn't know what to expect when getting off of this new one.

Around the end of January, I started to get really sick.  I got pretty sick with Kylie, but it was eased with the help of medication.  This time, the medication helped only a little and I was still sick pretty much 24/7.  It actually got a little scary, as one week I could hardly leave my bed.  I could barely eat or drink anything that I became pretty dehydrated.  Instead of going to the doctor or hospital, Scott was able to bring some things home from work and give me an IV of fluid.  I felt better, but it took me about another month to really recover.  Brita and my mom were helpful in being able to watch Kylie a few times, so I didn't have to worry about her.  It was definitely a scary time and Scott was even worried about going to work and leaving me by myself as I had a hard time reminding myself to eat and drink.
10-week picture!
When you're not used to having to eat every hour, it can be hard to remember and having nothing sound appetizing just makes it worse.  It actually took Scott getting pretty worried for me to really try hard to take my medication faithfully and eat and drink every hour.  It's only been the last two weeks where I've felt really good and I don't need to take my medication as often.  It's definitely about time as I'm almost 20 weeks!  I am so excited to find out the gender in two weeks.  With Kylie, I had a feeling the whole time that she was a girl, but I haven't had a feeling about this one so I'll be surprised to see what this baby is!

Over Easter weekend, Scott's family was in town and we took advantage of people here to help us set up our announcement picture.  We used Brita's kitchen and other random things we found that worked out great.  I have to say that the idea for this picture was all Scott.  He wanted to do something kitchen/food related and I think we made something super cute (we also used Becky and her photoshop abilities).  We announced on Facebook a couple of weeks ago and I'm glad that people know. We have some exciting times ahead and I know that Kylie will love to have a sibling to play with.
Here are some outtake pictures.
Up close of some of the details. You can't see in the big picture that the clock is set for what the due date is.  Also, more up close on what the cookbook says as well.

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