Monday, November 2, 2015

Jordan's Birth Story

Labor and delivery with Jordan went quite well.  I had heard that labor and recovery can be easier with each child, as your body has already been through the process.  Just like with Kylie, we didn't get much sleep the night before as I had horrible heartburn and Scott just couldn't sleep.  At 6:30am, I called the hospital to see if things were still good for me to come in that morning at 7:30am.  They asked if I could come in now and I said yes and ran upstairs to wake Scott up.  I called my mom to tell her that we were leaving.  Scott's parents were still staying with us, so Kylie wasn't alone while waiting for my mom to show up.  My mom was very kind in watching Kylie Friday and Saturday.  Kylie had a lot of fun hanging out and having a sleepover with grandma.  It sure took a lot of stress away not having to worry about Kylie.

We arrived at the hospital around 7:00am and got all checked in.  I received pitocin to help get labor going and decided to wait until I was further along to get an epidural.  The day went by very slowly.  Since I wasn't having any contractions before I went in, I'm not surprised that it took all day for things to get going.  I pretty much just slept, looked at Facebook and watched TV.  After a couple of hours, I wasn't progressing a lot, so the nurse found a doctor to come in and break my water.  I got an epidural pretty soon after that and then just waited some more.  At one point, the nurse came in and told me to keep my legs together and that the doctor was on his way.  Haha, I was ready to have this baby!  I pushed 3 times and then Jordan was out!  I had a much easier recovery this time and I didn't even tear at all, meaning I didn't need stitches.  Getting stitches definitely makes recovery last a little longer.  Jordan was born at 4:20pm and weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long.

All the nurses kept saying I was their dream patient as I didn't have any complications and was feeling really good.  I didn't even need hardly any pain medications.  The few times I did need them is because I was having pretty painful contractions.  I didn't remember having them with Kylie, but I guess it's pretty normal after delivery to have them for a few days.  I was surprised at how well I was feeling, but very grateful that everything did go so smoothly.

Kylie, my mom, Dean and Nadine all stopped by around 7:30pm.  It was so fun to see Kylie so curious about her baby brother.  They all stayed about an hour and then it was just me, Scott and Jordan the rest of the night.  Jordan was a very sleepy baby the first few nights and even slept for about 5 hours the first night. That was a little scary, but Jordan was just fine.  We headed home Sunday afternoon where Scott's parents and my mom made dinner for us.

We are so grateful that everything went smoothly in getting Jordan here and that he is doing just fine.  We are so happy to have him here and we love him so much.  We are grateful he is a part of our family.


  1. What a cutie, can't wait to hold him!

  2. You got so many great pictures of him and your family. What a trooper you were. We are so proud of you. Jordan will be such a great addition to your family.
