Thursday, November 5, 2015

1 Month

Jordan is one month old! Time is flying by with this cute boy.  Things have been going great with him and we all love him.  Jordan still has his nights and days confused, which makes it a little bit difficult for me.  He is getting better at sleeping longer periods during the night though, so hopefully we'll get him on a correct schedule soon.  His favorite place to sleep is in someone's arms.  He also really enjoys sleeping on his tummy, which makes baby wearing him easy.  Let's see...Jordan is really a great baby.  He doesn't cry much and he isn't too fussy.  He does have times at night where he'll just grunt and make noises for a bit.  He likes to be swaddled, but will pull his arms out as he likes to sleep with them up in the air.

At his two-week appointment, he weighed 8.5lbs, which is amazing that he was over his birth weight!  I loved that I didn't have to worry about weight like I did with Kylie.  It was super stressful worrying about whether or not your child is getting enough to eat and I'm so glad that there hasn't been that concern with Jordan.  He also gained an inch and is 21 inches now.  He still wears newborn clothes, but went up a size in diapers already.

I'm excited to be doing these monthly pictures again and I love that the stickers are shaped like a tie.  It'll be fun to see Jordan's stats in a month and see how much he's grown because he sure is growing like a weed.

1 comment:

  1. Sure miss his sweet face and snuggly personality. Also, the pictures of Kylie on the pony were super cute!
