Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Midway Ice Castles

On February 1st, we headed to the ice castles with grandma Becky and uncle Aaron. Scott had school and soccer and so he did not attend. The last time we went to the ice castles was in January of 2014, so Kylie was just a little baby. They have made major improvements since that year. I couldn't believe all the updates (slides, fountain, fire pits, lights, music, etc.) and how much larger these ice castles were. It was worth the drive up there and we went at the perfect time as the next week they had to close them down due to warm weather. We got there when it was still light out and stayed until it was dark, so it was fun to see the ice castles in both lights. It's definitely a different environment at night. Kylie and Jordan wore their snow gear, but Jordan had a little trouble walking on the ground as it was so uneven with all the ice pebbles everywhere. We stayed about two hours and by then, it was dark and cold and the kids were hungry. So, we fed them some snacks in the car and drove home. The kids had fun and I got some fun pictures. I'm glad that we were able to make schedules work and go see them.
The kids did not want to stop and take a picture. They wanted straight in there.
Lots of fun nooks and crannies for the kids to crawl in.
They had kid slides and they couldn't stop going down them. There was an adult slide that Kylie went down with grandma.
They stopped on the way in and just wanted to play in the snow.
Fun ice chair that they built.
Loved the fountain and how it changed colors at night.
Fun light up colored wall.
We saw Elsa and Anna on our way out!

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