Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Craft Project & Sweet Treats

Not much new to update on life.  Scott is kicking butt at his clinicals and he has started applying for tons of jobs in Utah and Salt Lake County.  Teaching is still going along fine and keeping me busy.  I can't believe it's October, but I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas break. :)

Last Wednesday the Relief Society in my ward had a craft night.  They had tables set up full of different crafts and everybody kind of just did their own thing.  You had to pay for whatever craft you wanted to do beforehand though, so I only did one.  I chose to do these blocks that had scrapbook paper you would modge pogde on with vinyl stickers.  I chose to do the word 'Family' on one side and 'Believe' on the other side.  I like it because I have a side that can stay up all year and then when the holidays come, I can switch it to the other side!  It was actually a pretty easy craft and looks really cute in our apartment.

As I mentioned last week, Scott went in to talk to some people in the hospital to get his face known.  He wanted me to make a lot of treats to "suck up" to the people and apparently it worked!  I got a little ambitious and chose to make some treats that took effort and time and I was exhausted by the end of the night.  I am glad that they turned out decent and Scott was able to impress the people in the hospital.

Treat #1:Oreo Truffles

These were our favorite treat!  They were yummy and the quickest to make.  I did make the truffle balls the night before to let them set up, so that made it quicker to make the next night.

Treat #2: Cinnamon Roll Sugar Cookies

Picture on the left is the first batch of cookies.  I was getting tired, so I totally messed up on how I put them on the cookie sheet, so they didn't turn out so pretty.  Tasted fine, but looked ugly.  Picture on the right is the second, much prettier batch of cookies.  These are the ones that Scott took.  Now, the glaze isn't an actual glaze (powdered sugar, milk, vanilla, etc.).  Again, I was tired and feeling too lazy to even put anything on the cookies.  There was some extra chocolate from the oreo truffles, so Scott came up with the idea to put that on the cookies.  It actually tasted pretty good!  Not the easiest to pour since it is thicker than an actual glaze, but not bad tasting.

Treat #3: Red and Golden Raspberry Lemon Baby Cheesecake Pies

These cheesecake pies were okay.  I didn't use golden raspberries and the raspberries I did use (from CostCo) were huge!!  I felt like there was more raspberry than mixture in the pie crust.  The recipe calls for lemon curd which I couldn't find at the store.  So, I made my own.  I think I might have overcooked the lemon curd, but it still turned out fine.  I wish they had a more cheesecake taste, but that's just my opinion.  We served these to some of the Elder's Quorum presidency who stopped by and they said it tasted yummy, so still a success in my book.

Treat #4: Peanut Butter Cup Surprise Cookies
Now, I already did another post about these the first time I made them.  They tasted the same except this time I put too much dough in the pan, so they formed this muffin top look.  I will admit that the first ones I made were much prettier, but these tasted just as delicious.

All 4 treats in all their glory!  We just need one more square plate to match.

It was a long night of treat making, but worth it for my sweet husband.

1 comment:

  1. I personally look forward to trying some treats on our visit since it is so close to Halloween! Treat me! It all looks good!
