Saturday, January 19, 2013

Friday High-Five

I really gotta start posting this on the actual day of Friday, so my title won't be a lie.  Anyways, it's been a while since I've done a high five for Friday post, so here we go.

1. TGIF!! I have a 4-day weekend from school because it was the last day of the semester Thursday and it's a holiday on Monday!  Scott also has the whole weekend off too, so we get to spend lots of time together. Woo-hoo!

2.  This happened a couple weeks ago (I think) and I wanted to say something about it, but didn't think it needed its own post.  Scott came home from work one day with this letter in his hand from a patient.  Apparently this patient had a severe case of the hiccups that just would not go away to where the guy couldn't sleep.  Scott did everything he could and found some sort of medication to relieve him of his hiccups.  The guy was so grateful that he wrote a note. 
 You could probably click on the picture to read it better.  He has also gotten other little notes from patients (which he still has to give me) saying what a great nurse he is.  It just makes me smile that Scott found a career that is perfect for him.

3.  I didn't post a picture in my last post of my sewing machine, so here is one.  Yes, it is a Project Runway Special Edition sewing machine.  Isn't it pretty?!

4.  It is still cold and snowy here.  Because we had such a mild winter last year, I'm not too surprised that it is more cold and snowy, but it does not mean that I enjoy it.  I actually could have gotten a snow day from school (which is super rare) last Friday, but the superintendent of our district made the wrong call and even apologized for it the next day.  I wasn't too surprised that he was wrong, since he is wrong on almost every other decision he makes.  It snowed 27 inches that day.

5.  I got a gift card to Maurice's (my favorite store) from my dad & Roberta for Christmas and headed out to spend it.  I've been wanting boots for a while, but you can't really find cheap ones anywhere (lowest I've seen is $40), so I've put off buying a pair for a while.  Maurice's came through (like usual) and I got a cute new pair of boots that I'm excited to wear (it did help that I had a gift card to buy them, so thanks dad!).  Scott said that they make me look rich when I wear them, so score!

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