Thursday, January 31, 2013

13 Week Picture

I figured I should probably start taking some belly pictures.  I've seen some people take pictures of their belly weekly, but I don't think I'll remember to do it.  I do want to make sure I take enough pictures that it shows progress because that will be fun to look back on. 

To me, I feel like my belly is already obviously sticking out, but in looking at the pictures, it just looks like I have a belly from never working out.  It will be interesting to see at what week I do start showing.  Especially since I have not told anyone at my school that I am pregnant yet.  We'll see if I do it when we find out the sex of the baby or until people start asking (and wondering if I'm getting fat). ;)

Oh, hey husband! Nice try...I don't see a belly.
Ugh...I better start looking more round soon.
Eh...not too bad. I can handle looking at this picture.


  1. I'm going to look sexy when I get fat. :)

  2. Em! Don't forget to keep exercising (like walking and stretching at least) and such! It will be good for you and the baby... and Scott can work out with you too! Dad

  3. Hahaha, I have never heard someone who is pregnant wishing they would get more round! :)
