Thursday, January 24, 2013

The First of Many "Baby" Posts

I am so relieved and happy to have finally announced our exciting news!  It is honestly the reason why I did not blog for a month.  One, my morning sickness was awful, so I was always super exhausted and Two, there was nothing I wanted to talk about except baby stuff.  I am glad that I can now talk freely without worry of giving our secret away.  Scott & I did tell our families early on and few close friends, but to the facebook world, we wanted to wait.  I wanted to do something cute to announce it just because it is more fun.  Of course I went to pinterest for ideas on ways to announce and found two that I really liked.  I decided to take both and combine them together! I got a little worried on how I would put it together, but I found out I have this photo creation program on my computer and I used that.  I am so happy with how it turned out! 

I had my first doctor's appointment a week and a half ago (feels like forever) and everything went well.  Before the appointment, I had found out that I had the exact same doctor as my sister-in-law Brita!  What a small world. Anyways, the main thing Scott & I wanted to find out at the appointment was how far along I was.  This is technically my second pregnancy.  I found out I was pregnant in September and had a miscarriage the end of October.  I did think about writing a post multiple times, but I just never really knew what to say about it.  It was emotional, but we got through it fine.  Anyways, I didn't have a period from when I had the miscarriage and when I got pregnant, so there wasn't a date I could go by at all to even come close to figuring out how far along I was.  Scott & I were actually a few weeks off on our guesses.  We thought I was 7-8 weeks, but the ultrasound said 11-13 weeks. We were shocked!  The ultrasound I had at the first doctor's appointment was quick and they scheduled me for a full scan one the next day.
Ultrasound of baby at 10 weeks & 5 days!!!
It is hard to describe how I felt when I saw the baby, but it was definitely a moment of awe.  I could see a head, feet, a nose, and there was a hand waving at me!  It still feels surreal at times to think that I have a baby inside of me and who knows when that reality will set in. 

Things are going great, though.  I got some medication to help with my morning sickness, but I still throw up every so often.  I can actually eat regular foods now without my stomach churning.  I don't really have a lot of cravings that pop up out of the blue.  Usually I'll crave something if I see a picture of it.  Just yesterday I was watching TV and a commercial for mayonnaise came on and the guy was making a BLT.  I hadn't had dinner yet and once I saw that, it was all I wanted to eat.  We didn't have any bacon, lettuce, or tomato so making it at home was out of the question.  Luckily I have an awesome husband who picked one up for me on the way home.  Going grocery shopping without a list is always bad news because I'll just walk around the store and pick up whatever looks good, meaning I'll buy way more than I should.

Oh, it is so much fun talking about baby stuff!  Hope you don't get too tired of hearing all about it and if you do, well too bad b/c this is my blog! ;)

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