Monday, March 4, 2013

A Little Princess

Man, you would think I would be better at posting more frequently, but I am just lazy in all honesty.  Anyways, so my last post was about how excited I was to find out the gender of the baby.  So, obviously Tuesday came and went and we are so excited to have a BABY GIRL!!!

We had this feeling that it would be a girl ever since I got pregnant and then those "myths" are just for fun, but only one of them pointed to a boy.  We weren't too shocked when the ultrasound tech told us, but we were a little disappointed coming out of the appointment.  When I made the appointment, they told me that I needed to make sure I drank something sugary so that the baby would be active and that I needed to have a full bladder.  I really wanted to make sure that I did everything I was supposed to so that we could find out the gender that day.  I woke up at 8:00am and even though I had to go to the bathroom, I didn't because I didn't think I would be able to drink enough to have a full bladder by 10:00am.  Apparently my bladder was too full because they couldn't get a really good full body shot of the baby.  Our ultrasound picture is of the baby's legs and bottom.  Worst picture ever.  I'm not going to post it on here, but if you want to see it, I'll show it to you.  I'm glad my baby has a butt, but I want to see it's face and see a hand waving at me again!

Once we started calling people, we got more excited about the news.  I still hadn't told a lot of people at school, but I wanted to do something cute to announce it.  I saw the idea on pinterest and it worked great!
It was funny because at the beginning of class, I gave a bowl full of these to one student and had them take one and pass it around.  Some of them were completely confused as to why the "she" was colored in pink, some had a suspicion on what it was and then others were just excited that I was giving them chocolate (one even asked if it was because they were good for the substitute the day before. haha!).  It is definitely a relief that people know now.  For one, it was getting hard to hide my belly with my shirts and two, there were quite a few students who had a feeling I was pregnant, but didn't want to ask so it was time to let them know.

We have a few girl names in mind, but I think I'll wait to announce those on the blog.  We might do a little survey to see which name is liked best or we'll just surprise announce the official name.  Who knows, we might be debating names up until she is born. 

It is so funny/cute to hear how excited both of our moms are about us having a girl.  My mom wanted a girl because my brother's last 3 kids are boys, so "it's time for a girl" and my mother-in-law likes girls because they are just "way more fun for grandma".  I totally agree.  I told Scott I wanted a girl because boys are boring and his mom totally agreed with me.  I love it when that happens. :)

The only ideas for a nursery so far are lavender purple (we're going to paint the walls), gray and elephant theme.  I am excited to get that going and I'll of course keep you updated as it gets put together.  Let me know if you find anything cute along those lines!

Well, that's all I can think of for now.  I should probably do a post non-baby related because there is other stuff going on in our lives (not much, but a little) that I should record (like how I didn't have a phone for the past two weeks and Maddie's new present we bought her).

Oh, this little princess of ours is going to be so spoiled!  Can't wait.

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