Saturday, February 23, 2013

16 Weeks

Every Thursday becomes a new week in my pregnancy.  I am now 16 weeks and reading all over the internet to see what should be "normal" with my pregnancy.  And I learned that there really isn't "normal" when it comes to pregnancy because everyone and their body is different.  I keep wondering if my belly is too big or too small for 16 weeks and I don't like how I have this distinct line that is still there from the belly I had before I got pregnant.  I know that the baby is still growing and that a growth spurt is coming.  I guess that it's a little hard to be patient right now especially when I read ahead to see what is to come.  I am excited to find out the gender, I am excited to feel the baby move, I am excited to have a baby bump that actually looks like a baby bump and not just fat, I am excited to finally let people know at school (I wanted to wait until I found out the gender to tell), I guess I'm just excited in general.  :)

Here is the questionnaire for this week!

How far along?: 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss?: Not too sure.  I haven't really been paying attention to weight, but I've maybe gained a few pounds?
Maternity clothes?: For some reason, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I went maternity clothes shopping yesterday.  I feel most comfortable in the baby-doll style and it's really the only store with a variety in that style.
Stretch marks?: Nope.
Sleep?: Still have to get up at least once to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  Will that ever end?
Missing anything?: The sun!  It needs to warm up here soon...I'm tired of the snow.
Movement?: No, still to early for that. 
Food cravings?: Still love cereal!!  I could seriously eat it all day if it wasn't for that whole "eat a healthy, balanced diet" thing.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Things are getting much, much better!  I haven't gagged at anything in a little bit.  Woo-hoo!
Have you started to show yet?: Again, I think yes, but who knows what other people think.
Gender: Tuesday can't come fast enough!!!
Labor signs: No way! 
Belly button in or out: Still an innie.
Wedding ring on or off: On 
Happy or moody most of the time: A little moody at work, but I'm pretty happy. :) 
Looking forward to: TUESDAY!!!

No picture this week, just wanted to do a little update.


  1. This was the week I felt movements with Cooper. Little flutters that kind tickled. Good luck! !

  2. Getting up at night to use the bathroom only gets worse. In my last couple months of pregnancy, I'm pretty sure I was getting up at least every couple hours.
