Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Weekend

Scott & I celebrated Valentine's Day over a 3-day period.  We did a little bit of celebrating Thursday-Saturday.  On actual Valentine's Day, I worked at school and my students made sugar cookies all day.  I took some leftover cookie dough and made and decorated some cookies to take home to Scott.  We had decided that we didn't want to go out to dinner on actual Valentine's Day because restaurants would be crowded and we didn't want to deal with that, so we set up going to dinner on Saturday.  I didn't want to not do anything on the actual day though, so I made dinner for us.

I made Scott's favorite meal of roast, vegetables & homemade rolls.  I did it in the crock pot and it turned out delicious!  I had never made us roast before because I was always worried that we would have too many leftovers and wouldn't be able to eat them all quick enough.  Since it was a special occasion, it seemed like a good time to try it out.  The only thing that didn't really turn out was the rolls.  I tried making one hour rolls, but I guess the dough didn't rise quick enough, so they tasted very dense. Oh well.

We had dinner and then watched some of our TV shows to finish off the night.  It was a relaxing & delicious evening.
The one request I had from Scott is that I wanted chocolate covered strawberries.  He totally made these himself.  Look how pretty!  These also tasted amazingly good.
The successful roast in the crock pot!  It was so easy and there weren't that many leftovers that I'll probably make this again.
The table setting.
My Valentine--happy and enjoying his meal.

Friday, I was able to have my pamper day thanks to my lovely husband.  I got a manicure and pedicure along with getting my hair done.  It was so nice and we ended the day watching the movie Pitch Perfect.  I had heard so much about it from people on facebook and I'm glad that it lived up to the hype.

Saturday, Scott & I went to dinner at the Tuscany restaurant in Holladay.  We decided that it was the cheaper version of LaCaille.  We had to valet park, even though we didn't want to, but it was still fun to dress up a little and try something new.
I had a hard time getting him to smile normally.
This sculpture lit up and played music.
This is the best smile I could get.
A successful celebration of Valentine's Day for sure.

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