Saturday, May 7, 2016

April goals

April was an okay month for goals. I don't have a ton of pictures again and we didn't do a lot of art projects, but that's okay. There's one thing still left to do with the house project and that is to hang up pictures on Kylie & Jordan's room. Other than that, I did change out the pictures in the frames in the family room.
 Scott and I didn't go on a date night since half of the month was of him finishing school and the other half was me preparing for my party. We did go see him play soccer and I like that we're attending games again. Kylie has the opportunity to run around and I feel good supporting Scott in what he loves. The only art activity we did was painting egg cartons. It was supposed to look like a flower, but that didn't work at all. It was something different for Kylie to paint on, though.
Our friend get together was my party and my craft projects were a few of my birthday party decorations. Pictures of those will be on my birthday post. I wasn't able to update Jordan's baby book, but I at least have the pictures to put in it. I am finally up to date with our family highlight photo books! It was fun to make those each month, so now I have to find something else to work on. It's just a photo book, but I felt some sense of accomplishment when I would get one done Actually, maybe it's a good thing I'm done so then I can work on projects around the house. Those books were fun, but they sure did take up a lot of time. Maybe, I'll work on putting some of my blog posts into a journal/book. I like the highlights, but I feel that I still want to keep the words from my blog. I'll have to figure out a way to put that together. 
Scott and I are working on being more organized and making goals together. We bought a dry erase calendar and each Sunday, we'll go over plans for the week and individual goals for the week. The first Sunday of the month will be spent going over monthly goals and basic things for the month (when Scott works, soccer games,etc.). Hopefully we'll feel more accomplished and productive in all areas of life. I'll still have these goals, it'll just be easier to organize on a calendar. We've only had it for two weeks, so let's see how we do for the month of May!

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