Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stadium of Fire

For 4th of July this year, I bought tickets for a friend and I to go see the Stadium of Fire.  This production happens every year down in Provo at the football stadium.  There is always a little program, a concert with a well-known singer and fireworks.  It is a very popular event to go to and I wanted to experience it.  It helped that the singer at the concert was Kelly Clarkson, whose majority of songs I know.  For me, going to a concert is a lot more enjoyable when you know the artists' music.  Another singer there was Carly Rae Jepsen, who is a hit with the younger crowd and has a very well known song of "Call Me Maybe".  I actually thought about being her for Halloween this past year with Scott being the guy she talks about in the song.

Scott was working the holiday, so I invited my friend Amanda (whom I was room-mates with in college) to come with me.  We met up and had dinner beforehand and arrived at the stadium right when it started.  I picked the cheapest seats I could find, so we were up towards the top, but I think we had a great view of the fireworks.  The fireworks ended at 11:00pm, but I didn't get home until 1:00am.  Even though we tried to park on some side roads, there was still a lot of traffic to get through before hitting the freeway.  Amanda and I also stopped to get some $.50 ice cream cones from Burger King on the way back.  It was delicious.
Parachuting the flag into the stadium.
Amanda and I!
Fun dance performance.
It was pretty funny watching the dancers dance in these.
Cirque du Soleil!
Carly Rae Jepsen
Carly Rae Jepsen
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson
The Stadium of Fire was fun and I'm glad I got to experience it, but it is something I wouldn't plan on doing every year.  I've seen much better firework shows and it just isn't the best activity for younger kids (the small kids around us were getting very fidgety and tired with quite a few kids laying down on the bleachers sleeping and this younger boy behind me plugged his ears during Kelly Clarkson and would screech every so often asking when the music would stop.).  I'm glad I was able to do this before having kids, although it was a little exhausting for someone who is 35 weeks pregnant.

Speaking of pregnant, here is my 35 week picture!
There's really no reason to do a whole post on me being 35 weeks since there hasn't been anything new going on.  I do crave anything cold all the time now like smoothies, any form of ice cream, frozen yogurt, popsicles, etc.  My belly button hasn't popped out, but it sure is close.  I've been lucky to not have really any swelling, which is surprising since it's been a rather warm summer.  My wedding ring can still fit on my finger and I get tired really quickly now.  I love that I still have a month until she is due since there is still a lot to get done, but I really cannot wait until she is born and we get to hug and play with her.

1 comment:

  1. Wow getting close for your daughter to come. Gary and Ariane had their daughter on July 4th. She is my Star Spangled Sweetheart. We are loving it here in Virginia with so much family.
