Saturday, July 6, 2013

High Five for Saturday

Okay, so usually it's High Five for Friday, but Friday was busy so we're going with Saturday.  This seems to be the best way for me to organize those random things that just don't need a post of their own, but should be shared.

1. I'll start with the oldest piece of news first.  One of the realizations of owning your own home is that you have to fix (and pay for) anything broken yourself.  Another realization of owning a home, with a yard, is that you should keep it in good condition.  There's a lot of up-keep to making a yard look nice and we've sure struggled to keep our grass green.  There's been quite a few sprinkler issues and the heat this summer hasn't helped any either.
       With the help of brother-in-law Lane, Scott found out that he needed to replace a whole pipe that was leaking.  It was a process to replace it and I got pictures of it!
Old pipe that was leaking.
The water wasn't turned off when Scott unscrewed the pipe and it flooded in about 5 seconds.
Scott trying to clean up the flooded mess.
New pipe.
Scott sure worked hard on this and I'm glad it's made a difference!
2.  About two weeks ago, we found out that Panda Express was having a night where free samples of their orange chicken were being given out.  Panda Express is one of Scott's favorite restaurants, so he was super excited to find this information out.  Scott had to work that evening, but you couldn't get the free sample until 9pm anyway.  Once Scott got off work, we headed straight to the nearest restaurant near us.  It had just barely turned 9pm and we didn't have to wait long to get our food.  We headed over to Brita & Lane's and stopped at another Panda Express close to their house.  We got our food inside the restaurant and as we were leaving, realized that this restaurant had a drive-through!  We got in the car and drove through the drive-through and got two more orange chicken samples.  At Brita's, we made rice and ate our free dinner while playing games.  It was quite cute to see Scott so excited about getting this orange chicken for free, especially since I'm usually the one to go crazy over free stuff.  It was worth it to eat dinner at 10:00pm.
6 boxes of free orange chicken!
3.  I love this comic!  Right now, it really is like that with Maddie, but soon it will become B.O.L.--Baby On Lap!  It just cracks me up how true this really is.
Sorry it's sideways. I'm not sure why it won't upload the other way.

4.  Yesterday my mom, Kyle & Brianna helped get some projects done around the house that need to get done before the baby comes.  Scott, Kyle & Brianna worked on getting the family room painted and it looks great! I'll post pictures of the room soon.  Mom & I worked on a lot of nursery items, which I will show once it's all completed.  There's still a few more things to finish up, but I am really excited with how things look so far.

5.Hmm...I'm struggling to think of five things, so I guess it's High Four for Saturday. Doesn't really sound as good as High Five for Friday does it?

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