Wednesday, June 4, 2014

May Goals

So, the month of May was not so successful in accomplishing goals.  My motivation slipped a little bit, but it is back on for June!  It's interesting to note how up and down accomplishing my goals since January has been. As long as it doesn't stay down, I think I am doing well.  I think I gave up on spring cleaning the house.  I feel like I need a whole day to myself to be able to really get it done.  My goal for Kylie was to update her baby book, but I didn't get to that.  A date night didn't really occur either.  We tried to do one out of the date jar, but we weren't even together to have the milkshake together.  Sonic has half price shakes after 8pm and Kylie was already in bed, so Scott had to run out to get one and it took like 30 minutes to get it.  We shared it, but I guess it didn't feel date-ish.  Kylie and I didn't go to a soccer game nor did I do a craft. We also didn't make it to the temple.  We did have a fun get together with friends!! It was at James and Nichole's house this time and it was super fun. Kylie was walking laps around their kitchen, but she was a little fussy as she didn't get good naps during the day.  I am so glad we are having these monthly dinners. It gives me something to look forward to each month.

As you can tell, I got one goal accomplished there. Not great, but I am firm on doing better in June.  We did do good on out of the house activities once a week.  The first week of May, we went and fed the ducks at Gardner Village.  There weren't many and it was a little chilly, but it was fun.
The second week, we walked to the park down the street and put Kylie in the swing.  There's pictures of that on the 9-month post.  The next week we went to Vegas and did plenty of activities there.  Our activity the last week of May was the hike we went on for memorial day.  I did great with meal planning, but not so great with exercising.  I'm starting to keep a health journal where I write down everything I ate that day and if I exercised or not.  I'm not being super specific on writing down everything, but it does make me think about what I'm eating as I want to see more healthier choices on it.  It's hard as I want results right away and get disappointed when I don't see them.  I need to slow down and make it more of a healthy life change instead of a temporary change.

I think June's goals will go well as it is summer now and lots more activities are going on!!  I'm looking forward to being out and about with Kylie.

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