Monday, June 23, 2014

10 Months!

Kylie is the busiest 10 month old!  There is just so much to see and explore in this world and she wants to see it all.  I know that I said in the last month's post that I wasn't sure Kylie was officially walking yet.  Well, I can't say that I'm not sure anymore!  She has been full-blown walking for a few weeks now!  It is so adorable to see her walking circles around the house.  I love seeing Kylie grow up.  I know that some people have a hard time with seeing their baby get older, but Scott and I are truly enjoying it right now.  He asked me if I could, would I want Kylie as a newborn again and I said no.  I am having so much fun teaching her things and seeing her learn things on her own.

  • Kylie has a few "tricks" she's doing now.  Some she's been doing for a bit and others she just recently started doing.  Kylie will shake her head (like saying "no"), but most of the time it doesn't mean no.  She also claps her hands now and she especially likes to do it while walking.  Kylie can give a high five and she is starting to wave bye now, but it's not too noticeable yet.
  • I just discovered this yesterday, but Kylie is cutting her first tooth!!  She hasn't been sick, but a little more tired with a little more drool.  It's about time!
  • Kylie likes to walk with her blanket slung over her shoulder now.  She'll trip over it constantly, but it's so cute how much she loves the comfort of a blanket.
  • Kylie also likes to play peek-a-boo with her blanket and she'll do it herself! She pulls the blanket over her head and then I say peek-a-boo whenever she puts it back down.
There are just so many little things that Kylie is doing now, it's hard to remember them all.  She is just the cutest and makes me laugh every day.  We are so lucky to have this girl in our life.

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