Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June Goals

I feel much better at what I accomplished in June.  I completed all monthly goals except one and did great at the weekly goals.  I love when I accomplish a lot as it gives me motivation to do just as well the next month.  For a house project, I ordered some canvas pictures to hang up in our family room.  I ordered them late enough in the month that I haven't received them yet, so I'm rolling it over to be my goal in July.  I did do an alternate project and put up new pictures in the frames around the house.  I had 25 free prints from Wal-Mart that was going to expire so I ordered pictures to go in frames and then some for Kylie's baby book.  Speaking of, I updated Kylie's baby book up to 9 months (I hadn't taken her 10 month pictures yet).  I even hole punched the cards we received and put them in her book as well.

Scott and I had a date night thanks to Brianna & Kyle baby-sitting.  We need to milk their baby-sitting abilities as much as we can before they leave!  We went to dinner at Chili's, saw X-Men Days of Future Past and got shakes at Sonic for dessert.  I enjoyed the movie, but Scott was a little disappointed by it.  I wasn't planning on seeing any of Scott's soccer games as they were all really late, however it worked out that Kylie and I got to watch one.  Kylie loves going and watching her daddy play soccer.  I didn't get to completing my craft project, but I did buy all the materials for it.  I'm rolling that goal over into next month as well as it has to be done in July.

On the 6th, we had a get together with our friends again.  We had more people attend this time as our friend Brook from Vegas was in town and Liz came as well (she had a baby in April).  We had a pool party and BBQ which was super fun.
Joni & Kylie
Brook & me
Scott and I were able to make it to the temple in June as well!  My mom baby-sat this time.  It was really nice to go after it had been a few months since we'd been.
For out of the house activities, we had fun each week.  The first week, we went to the zoo w/ Brita and Nadine.  Scott and I also had a picnic at the park by the library.
The second week, I went to the outdoor movie with Amanda, which I mentioned before.  We also went to Boondocks with Brianna & Kyle to use up our tickets from last time we went.  The third week of June was spent seeing some fellow teachers.  I went to my FACS conference (which I will go to every year to keep up my license) and hung out with Teresa and saw Jodelle a few times.  It was nice to be able to go to the "fun" classes instead of ones always relating to the classroom.  I was able to go to a weight loss class, a cupcake class, a cake decorating class, a class about quick meals and more.  I love going to classes and using what I learn at home.  I also went to a cookout for a fellow teacher who got a new job after school got out.  I carpooled with Heather (as we live right across the street from one another) and saw many familiar faces.  I do miss being able to see and talk with them everyday, so it was great to catch up.
We also had family over to have a BBQ and watch USA play in the World Cup (who tied Portugal).  Kylie had a chance to try out her 4th of July outfit.
The last week of June (the 28th), we went swimming as a family down in Lehi.  Kylie loved it, but did get cold pretty quickly.  I had to take her out a few times and wrap her in a towel to warm her back up.  She refused to nap despite how tired she was.  After swimming, we headed to Kyle & Brianna's, ate Chinese and watched a movie.
I did great on cooking at home and there was only one week that I didn't do well with working out (the 3rd week).  I bought a jogging stroller off a yard sale site for $40, so I'm excited to try it out as I'll be able to run anytime now instead of waiting for Scott to be available to watch Kylie.  The most I've ran so far is 2 miles, but it sure feels good to pick it back up again.

As you can tell by this long post, June was a great month!  July should be a fun, busy month as well.

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