Tuesday, July 22, 2014

11 Months!

Kylie has been 11 months for about a week now.  My little girl will be 1 here so quickly!  I know that at 1, Kylie will still be a baby, but she is starting to look like a girl every day.  Kylie's hair is long enough that I can put it in a little ponytail or pigtails.  I need to buy some cute little hair clips to use.  She just looks different (in a good way) when her hair is up.  It is starting to make me nervous for when her hair is long enough to do some fun things with as I have trouble even doing my own hair.

Another thing that makes her look older is her teeth! That's right, she's cutting her third tooth right now!  Kylie has been such a trooper with cutting teeth.  The only thing that I can notice is that she's been more tired lately.  She also likes to gnaw on pizza crust to help.

  • Kylie waves bye-bye sometimes; she just does it when she wants to.  
  • Kylie can do some sign language and it all relates to eating.  She can do more, eat, all done and milk.  I'm trying to remember to do please and thank you to her, but I don't do them enough for her to know what they are.
  • Kylie likes to dance now as well. She especially loves to dance to the hot dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It is so cute to see her dance.
  • We are slowly getting her used to whole milk by putting it with her formula.  She seems to like her bottle a little bit better now.  Kylie would just rather drink juice from her sippy cup.
  • Kylie has gotten used to needing a story before naps and bedtime.  She'll get upset if I stop reading, even if I've read her 3 stories.  It's fun to see her enjoy reading and books at such a young age.
  • Kylie loves playing with her cousins and other babies.  She is such a social baby that I wish I had friends who have a baby her age to play with.  It will be nice when the reading times at the library start back up as it will give her a time to be social.
  • This girl is doing wonderful at keeping up with all of our activities this summer.  I'm glad that we haven't felt like we can't go and do things.
It's 11-months too late, but I've discovered that the best time to take her pictures is right when she wakes up from a nap.  This girl always wakes up happy, so it's a perfect time to catch some smiles.

This was before her nap.
This was after her nap.

1 comment:

  1. What the heck? When did she become a little girl and not a baby anymore??
