Tuesday, August 5, 2014

4 Wonderful Years

This year, we are delaying celebrating our anniversary as Scott is at scout camp!  It's fine that we will celebrate on a different day, but I'm just sad that I won't even be able to talk to him at all.  This last year of marriage was full of ups and downs as well as being the most exciting.  Instead of just focusing on this year, I want to take a look back from where it all began.

Boy Meets Girl
The first time Scott & I actually met was at a bonfire, however we didn't really converse with one another at all so that's why we say it was the ugly sweater party because we actually talked.  I was definitely a little awkward in talking to him as I dropped a cookie into his hot chocolate.  I guess that helped make an impressionable memory.
Our first picture together.
First Dates
Our first date was eating pizza and watching Star Trek at Scott's place. He had plans for us to get ice cream, but it was the middle of winter so we weren't feeling it.  Our second date was going to see the temple lights.  Our third date was having breakfast before Scott left for California. We texted and face-booked the whole time he was gone.  A good sign we both liked each other. :)
We had so many fun dates while we were dating.  Of course our favorites were sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching a movie.  It sure was different as Scott was working and going to school full-time, so the only time we really saw each other were on the weekends.
Hockey Game
We the Kings Concert
Ice Skating (Scott's first time)
Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing
Soccer Game
Skydiving! This date was my idea.
I wish I still had pictures and the video from our engagement, but they were on Scott's computer that died so all pictures were lost.  It makes me sad that there's no tangible proof of what happened.  Although, maybe it's a good thing as it was a little embarrassing. :)  It was a day long event and I loved every minute of it.  Here's some engagement pictures instead.
The Wedding
Our wedding was beautiful!  We had a wonderful wedding dinner the night before where all of our close friends and family were in attendance.  A huge thunderstorm happened that day and I prayed so hard that it would not rain on my wedding day.  My prayers were answered and the weather was gorgeous!  I also heard that after Scott & I left the reception while family was cleaning up, it started to sprinkle.  Heavenly Father sure knew how much I wanted this day to be perfect and it was.
I love the fact that I do get to spend forever with Scott.  He is my best friend and my first love.  He is gone at scout camp for a few days and though I'm doing okay being without him, I could not imagine him never being in my life.  My life is made up of the decisions that I've made and starting a life and family with him has been the best decision in my life.  It has led to many good times, but also to some hardships where we grew together.  Whatever happens in my life, I am glad that I get to share it with Scott.  I love you, Robert Scott Fletcher.  Happy Anniversary!

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