Thursday, September 1, 2011

1 Year of Marriage Down, Eternity to Go Part 2

I don't really remember when a lot of these events occurred, but I will try to post them in order.

I forgot that in February, Scott and I got our first kitty.  We named him Tom and he was a handful sometimes, but he was cute and we loved him lots.  He passed away about a month ago and we are sad, but we are glad we had Tom when we did.

Tom was even so nice to get a bird for us.  What a hunter.

David and Kristene came to visit!  We ate at a restaurant with the biggest scones ever.

Since Scott and I were living in his aunt and uncle's house for the first year, we had the ability to plant some flowers and grow a garden.  Scott got really into it and we had fun reaping the rewards of our hard work.
We got a small crop of strawberries and they were delicious!

We loved this rose bush.  It grew like crazy!

This is our berry garden. Straw/rasp/blue/blackberries.
 In June, we headed to California for a quickie vacation and wore ourselves out! We had a blast, but I want longer than 3 days next time.  :)
We took a hike to the Hollywood sign.
We hung around downtown Hollywood.
Dodger Game!!
We went to Catalina Island and did a zip-line tour.  So much fun!
Kristene and David were our fun companions.
Hanging out at the San Diego Temple.
Also in June, I ran the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay. What is Ragnar?  It was exhausting and hard, but a blast!  I hope to keep running it.

July was a fun month.  We went to the hot air balloon festival (which was a little disappointing because it was too windy for them to fly in the air), mini-golfing, Scott made me a delicious dinner (and he never cooks), hung out at Snowbird with my family and Scott had his 27th birthday!

Best backpack ever!

Darth Vader balloon!  Really the only reason for going.

For someone who never cooks, I think my husband did a great job!

Scott got golf clubs at D.I. for $10.

And that takes us to August, where we celebrated 1 year of marriage and started back up to school (both teaching and nursing school).  Now we are getting back into being busy and figuring out schedules.  I have a feeling that this 2nd year of marriage will be just as great as our first!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah sista, more company in the blogging world is wonderful. Keep it up. Love ya.
