Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Schedule Changes

I have recently discovered that with my day work schedule, Scott's part-time night work schedule and now his new graveyard nursing school clinical schedule that we will see each other about 1 night a week.  Yes, even the weekends are not available.  Scott says that we have Sundays also, but I think that after working a graveyard and (6pm-6am) then going to church, that he will be sleeping the rest of the day and not really available for anything.

This is not the most ideal situation for me.  It is hard to always have nights and weekends off while my husband doesn't.  Yeah yeah, I know it could always be worse, but hey I am still in newlywed mode and want to see and go on dates with my husband more than one day a week.  What's a girl to do during this time?  I am slowly staring to go back to the gym, I've worked on lesson plans for school, I've cooked new dishes, I started a blog and I watch T.V.  I am not the biggest crafty person or scrapbooker.  I wish I had a more creative mind set, but it just doesn't come that easy to me.  It was really nice when we had our kitty Tom.  Somehow, he was a really big comfort to me when Scott would be gone a lot for school and work.  I miss being able to have a pet in our new apartment.  My friends are few since the last ward we were in was about 90% older adults and the new ward we are in has about 2 other young couples that I've seen.  Also, living 40 minutes away from my job constricts hanging with anyone there as well as that I am the youngest teacher at the school, next oldest being 40.  It is nice that I have family living close, but they have their own busy schedule that I don't want to impede myself on all the time. 

I am just not a fan of doing things by myself especially now that I have a husband.  I am always a little bit lonely every night Scott has to work.  Sometimes I wish I worked nights the same as him, so that I won't be so lonely.  Home starts to get a little bit boring by myself too many days in a row.  It's going to be hard the next month or so with this new schedule, so PLEASE send any suggestions to help me keep myself busy and not think about the loneliness.

On the plus side, my favorite T.V. show is coming back, so that's something to look forward to right?

These two better get together this season!!


  1. Hey Emily,
    I have a couple of ideas for you.
    First what about a night with one of the crazies. special one on one aunt time? Please don't feel you have too but They would enjoy it and you would get to really know them on a more personal level.

    Also, I need more friend too. So if you and I found a couple of nights a month we would both win--no impeding necessary :-P Andrew has some studying coming up too so I have to find ways to entertain myself again.

    Andrew and I trade off going to the temple one night every week. I'd love to have company if you want to come with once in a while.

    Also, if you ever want to come over to hang out for a bit just to get away from your quite place and being by yourself I would welcome the grown-up company any time. Come, eat with us once in a while, play nertz with me (please, please, please) just come hang out with us. Don't feel obligated to watch the kids or entertain them. Yes, life is busy and I forget to call but here is my invitation. Come come come.

  2. Hmmm you could join a bowling league. Or you and Rebecca could work out or ride bikes or try out new recipes or host a bunko night and invite people every month. You could also get a 2d job a couple of nights a week to make money for Christmas and buy your Dad a great present! :-) Or maybe you can see if there is a class you can take (like Zumba) at the gym and maybe meet some new people there. Love you.

  3. You could work in a restaurant. Lots of people our age, it's nights which is good timing, and who doesn't like a little extra income??? Plus, as long as you have a DVR, you still wont miss any of your reality tv shows!! :)

  4. These are all great ideas. I was going to suggest taking a class at the gym or a getting second job, too. The great thing about taking a class at the gym is you will see the same people everytime you go, and will soon start getting to know them. I also wanted to suggest volunteering, perhaps at a soup kitchen or some other non-profit in the area. I have always met wonderful people doing that. It's always hard to take that first step into doing something different, but it will be worth it!! I understand how it feels to be young and married, yet alone most of the time. I had a very similar experience. This is the time to reach out into areas that feel unfamiliar and try something different. I'll go so far as to recommend a book. Have you read, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway?" The author is Susan Jeffers, I think. It's a great book with really practical ideas on how to make your circle of experiences bigger. You might like it. Good luck with everything! You're doing great!
