Sunday, January 15, 2012


I have been slacking in posting on the blog.  It seems that I just haven't wanted to post anything, but I know that I should and would probably regret if I don't.  So, let's do a catch-up from Christmas.

New Years Eve was a fun time.  Scott and I went over to Andrew and Rebecca's (bro and sis-in-law) for a party.  Lots of cheering, noise making and balloon popping at midnight.

Scott labeled our cups for us.
Pretty quickly after New Years Eve, Scott started to get this pretty bad cough that would keep him up at night.  We bought some medicine from the store, but after a week and the cough had still not gone away, Scott decided to go to the doctor.  The doctor said that it he probably has bronchitis, so we are hoping that he gets better soon!

A semester of school just got finished for me, so I had Friday off (teachers need a break from all that grading) and I have Monday off (holiday)!  I am a little anxious about this new semester, but it is nice that it will be a fresh start.  I just hope these kids are as good as the last ones! (I complained a little, but in all honesty, they were pretty great).

As a surprise, Scott's Uncle Robert (who he was named after) passed away just recently.  Scott's Aunt Helen passed away right before Thanksgiving, so back up his parents come for another funeral.  We went to the viewing and everybody was saying that they weren't expecting to see each other so quickly.  I actually think it's quite cute when spouses pass away soon after one another.   As always, it has been nice to see and chat with the in-laws. 

On Saturday (the 14th), I went to take the Praxis test again.  I had failed the first one by 3 points (most likely because of the essay portion), meaning that I needed to take it again.  My motivation to study was a little less than last time, but I forced myself to study again.  I feel pretty good about it and I will find out in 4 weeks if I have to take it again or if I am done taking those hard, expensive tests.

In other, very exciting news, my sister Brianna has gotten engaged!  Her and Kyle are great together and it will be exciting to be able to help with a wedding that's not mine.  I am glad that all the planning, stress and money are something I don't have to worry about.  I just get to help out on the fun stuff, like wedding dress shopping!  Congratulations sister and thanks for the road trip to San Diego! (They have chosen to get married in the San Diego Temple).
I think Kyle will fit right in. :)
Excited to visit this beautiful place again!
As I was talking to my sister-in-law, Rebecca the other day, we were both realizing how many activities will be going on and how quickly they will be happening.  I just hope I can keep up on blogging, so I don't have to do another catch-up post.

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