Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blessing Weekend

On September 1st, Kylie had her baby blessing in church.  Yes, she is only 3 weeks, but it was the best time for the majority of family to be there.  Scott & I actually planned for her to be blessed on the 8th of September because Scott didn't have to work that weekend at all.  It's hard having family out of state because you want them to come, but don't want it to be a burden at the same time.  Doing it on the 8th would have allowed Scott to be more free, but his family would not have had as much time to visit.  So, we changed it to labor day weekend since Monday was a holiday.  The only thing that was a bummer was that Scott worked the whole weekend, so he hardly got any time to spend with family.

It was definitely a busy weekend and I was super exhausted by the end of it.  Family was here to help, but I felt a little bit like a single parent with Scott working all weekend.  It will be such an adjustment once school starts up and I hope I can handle it.  Anyway, first up on the weekend was my dad coming into town to meet Kylie!  He didn't plan on purpose to be there for the blessing; it was just nice timing.  My dad came into town Thursday afternoon and when Scott woke up from sleeping, we all went out to lunch.  Then Scott went back to sleep before he had to work that evening and dad ran errands with me.  I had forgotten my packet from the hospital that I was supposed to take to the two-week appointment for the PKU, so I had to go back and get it done. Kylie actually did really well with the nurse poking her foot.  The only time she cried was when the nurse was squeezing her foot to get the blood out and then she fell asleep right after.  We then hung out at my house until the evening and dad went back to his hotel.
Friday morning, Scott's family came into town and then rested most of the day.  In the evening, Kylie & I headed over to Brita's for dinner and games.  It was great to meet David & Kristene's daughter, Abrie.  It is so great that things worked out well in getting her and how she fits so naturally into their family.

Jocelyn & Nikki. Kylie really was happy despite the look on her face.
Andrew feeding Kylie.
Saturday I went to the zoo with the in-laws.  All about the zoo is in another blog post.  Saturday night, I went to dinner with my dad and Andrew & Rebecca and their kids.  Afterwards, I went down to Andrew & Rebecca's house to play games.  The kids were able to hold Kylie and they sure  enjoyed it and had fun meeting her.  I copied these pictures off of Rebecca's blog and I love how Kylie has a different expression in every picture.  The kids finally have a cousin on the McKown side now.
Kylie & Taren
Kylie & Annika
Kylie & Sharlynne
Kylie & Caden
Kylie & Andrew
Sharlynne, dad & Kylie
Kylie & James
Sunday was baby blessing day!  I spent the morning getting everything ready for Rebecca for the lunch afterwards.  Rebecca was a saint and left church a little early to go to the house to set up lunch so I didn't have to stress about things being ready.  We had ham & turkey sandwiches, chips, salads and desserts.  It was a pretty easy lunch to put together for 20-25 people, especially in getting help from family to bring food items.  The blessing Scott gave was beautiful and Kylie was beautiful in her dress (Nadine made it when Brita had her first girl).  It was great to have so much family there, but we did miss those who were unable to come.  Sunday night, we headed to Brita's to play some fun games.  We played telephone charades and mafia.  Monday morning, we had breakfast at Kneader's before family took off to head back to California.
Scott, Andrew & Lane
We bought this couch a few days earlier and it turned out to be great for seating everyone.
Lane, Brooke, Brita, Dylan
David, Abrie & Kristene
Say cheese!
My cousin Allie & I.
Grandma Omer
Kids eating outside
Aunt Becky & Kylie
Kylie with the Fletcher grandparents
Taren feeding Kylie
4 generations!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, cute pictures! Sad we missed it...wish we could have been there. Kylie looks like Scott in the first picture when Taren is holding her.
