Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Trip to the Zoo

Saturday I was ambitious and decided to go to the zoo with all the in-laws.  I thought it could be fun, but the main reason I went was to spend time with everyone that drove all the way here from California.  Things got hard when I had to feed Kylie and she cried afterwards for at least 20 minutes.  I was sitting on a bench in this small room to look at some type of cat, so it got loud when she would cry.  I just wanted to leave right then and I felt like it was a dumb move for me to go to the zoo.  I felt embarrassed whenever people would come in and wondered what they were thinking of this mom who can't console her baby.  I wanted to break down and cry because it was my fault she was so upset because I took her outside too early.  I wasn't able to calm her down quick enough because we weren't in a familiar environment.  There's too much noise and all she wants to do is sleep! I can't believe I was crazy enough to think things would be okay.  Of course, most of those thoughts came from hormones and being a new mother.

I stuck it out though and Kylie finally calmed down and went to sleep.  Scott called and asked me to come home so he could see us before he went to work again.  I was glad Scott wanted me to come home because I was exhausted.  Going to the zoo sure opened my eyes to how much work goes into taking a baby somewhere. 
Grandpa & grandma Fletcher with Kylie.
Not too excited to see the elephants. The outside sure is bright!
First time seeing a real elephant!
Brita & Jocelyn
Adding Kylie to the cousin picture.
Nikki & Kristene
Dylan on the carousel.
Bird show!
Group shot

Nikki donated some money and was given a free ticket to the carousel from a bird.
For the most part, I did enjoy myself and I'm glad I was able to spend time with everyone.  I wasn't able to see much of the zoo, so we will have to go to the zoo again when Kylie can actually see and enjoy the animals.

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