Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Goals

I made some goals at the beginning of the year.  I was ambitious and I made a lot of goals.  I wasn't sure at first if I was going to keep up with a lot of them, but I've done well so far. 

I was reading some blogs and how sometimes it can be helpful to pick a "word of the year".  Having a specific word of the year can help you focus on a specific thing in your life you want to work on.  While making up my goals, I decided to do that and I picked the word progress.  I just really want to progress in a lot of areas of my life and following my goals will help me do just that.

I made 4 different categories of goals: monthly, weekly, daily and marriage.  See, I told you I made a lot! 

Monthly Goals:
               -a house project
               -work on Kylie's baby book
               -date night
               -go see one of Scott's soccer games
               -a craft project  

Weekly Goals:
                -Family activity out of house one day a week
                -Stick to menu plan at least 4 days a week
                -Stick to cleaning schedule 4 days a week
                -Take one day to make a week’s worth of baby food
                -Keep calendar updated
                -Make a new dessert every Sunday
                -Look at every Sunday

Daily Goals:
                -Read at least one scripture a day
                -Say prayers every night
                -Exercise at least 30 minutes
                -Do the chores on the cleaning schedule
                -Read Kylie a story 

Marriage Goals:
                -Date night once a month
                -Go to temple once every 3 months

For the monthly goals, we completed date night where we actually had two this month.  One was going to see the ice castles and the other was a root beer float date.  Rebecca and Andrew gave us this date jar for Christmas that has ideas for dates wrapped around a few dollars to do the date.

I also completed two craft projects and going to see one of Scott's soccer games.  For weekly goals, I completed sticking to my menu plan (for 6 days this week!), making baby food for Kylie and keeping the calendar updated.  I want our family activities out of the house to not be the same as date night, so we didn't do any other activities.  Of course, Scott worked 5 days the first week I was done with school so there wasn't a lot of time to go out.  I hope to start sticking to my cleaning schedule starting this next week and I have so many desserts that I have on pinterest to start trying.  Daily goals are pretty bad right now.  I do have a plan to start exercising now that I bought a new sports bra and I just have to get into the hang of having a night time routine for me and for Kylie. She has a standard bedtime, I just need to get on doing the routine before bedtime.  We did complete the marriage goal of date night once a month, which overlaps with the monthly goal as well.

I think I'm doing well progressing with things. I also think I'm going to keep a record of what I accomplished each month.  Helps me keep accountable and remembering the goals I made.  Now, to start planning the goals for February!

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