Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Day

Scott had to work all day Thanksgiving, but we were able to still see him when he was done with work.  Kylie slept in late and I tried curling my hair for the second time.  It takes me forever to curl my hair, but it looks cute so I hope to get the hang of it soon.  I packed up some stuff and Kylie and I headed over to grandma's to hang out until it was time for dinner.  Kylie took a little nap, but not nearly long enough for the upcoming activities.  We arrived at the Bitner's home around 3:30pm and dinner started at 4:00pm.  Only two of the Bitner's six kids were present, so there weren't as many people as usual though they did arrive during pie.  Dinner was delicious and 4 turkeys were cooked!  Two of them were smoked and were actually pretty good.  Kylie loved eating mashed potatoes, rolls and some sweet potatoes. 

Kylie didn't play with Marley much, but Marley would look around for Kylie.  After dinner, people just sat around and talked for a while until it was time to eat some pie.  I brought a pie from Costco because I had a coupon that let me get it for free.  Kylie loved eating pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  Kylie also enjoyed running around with the Bitner boys upstairs.  Time started to drag on after having pie and Kylie was tired and fussy since she didn't get a long nap.  It took forever to get my mom and grandma out of the house to leave, but once we did it was nice to head home.  It is nice to have Thanksgiving with extended family, but I am looking forward to the day where we will have dinner with just our small family.  It will be nice to start some of my own holiday traditions.

Kylie would not cooperate for pictures.

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