Thursday, February 4, 2016

January Goals

For taking a year off from making goals, I'm doing pretty well at keeping them again. It's definitely keeping me a little more busy and I actually like that. There were a few things that I didn't get accomplished, but I'm not too upset by it. I got half of my house project completed. I cleaned up the downstairs, but I didn't get around to filing away the mail. It's been a while, so I still need to do that. We went to one of Scott's soccer games last month and it's not bad since I just wear Jordan in the carrier. A lot of his games are after Kylie's bed time, so when there's one that's not, then we'll try to go to one. I also didn't get to updating Jordan's baby book. I decided to wait until I needed to go to Costco (for pictures), so I wouldn't have to take more than one trip. I got some learning activities and treats done. We also were able to have a date night and a friend get together. I decided not to do a craft project, but I did complete another photo book.

Scott's work Christmas party was delayed until January and it was pizza and bowling. We dropped Kylie and Jordan off with my mom and it was good that we didn't have to worry about the kids while we were there. It was fun to bowl, since it had been forever, and get to know Scott's co-workers (and boss) a little more.
Me with Scott's manager and his wife.
I am so glad that our friend get together was to the temple. It was scheduled for Friday, January 9th, which was the same week we brought Jordan home. We wanted to make sure he was eating fine before we even thought about going. By the time Friday came, he was doing well enough that we would be okay with leaving, but Scott still had a pretty bad cough. I had told our friends that I would go, but Scott would skip since he was sick. I thought about it and I really wanted Scott to come with me. My mom came to watch the kids and everybody was so excited to see Scott once we showed up at the temple. It was such a fun surprise for them and it was really great to do a session with everyone. We went to the Jordan River temple as it is going to be renovated here soon. It's going to change so much that it won't look the same, which I'm a little sad about, but Scott thinks it's cool that no one will be able to get married in the old look of the temple. I'm very curious to see how it will look when it's finished (in 18 months).
L-R: Heather, Helaman, Ellery, Chris, Scott, Tracy, me, Joni, James, Nichole.
Like I said in the previous post, I'm doing an activity with Kylie every Wednesday. I didn't do one this last week as I was feeling sick, but I had Kylie do some painting and then made some Jell-O play dough. It was really easy to make and stays soft for a while.
For treats, we made M&M cookies, sugar cookies, cupcakes and brownies. I only got pictures of the sugar cookies and cupcakes. I had a lot of fun making the cupcakes as they were for dinner to celebrate Brita and Dean's birthday. I made two different kinds of batter (banana and chocolate) and then decorated them like a sundae. I found some leftover sugar cookie dough from November, so I pulled that out along with every cookie cutter we have. Kylie had a lot of fun decorating them and eating the frosting, which is also her favorite part of a cupcake.
I am having so much fun making these photo books. I work on them whenever I can, but I get so engrossed, so it's nice to have some "me time".
Well, that's January's goals! I'm still doing good at doing dishes every night, so now I'm working on getting laundry folded and put away within one day after washing. I also am going to work on keeping clothes and shoes picked up around the house. I hope February goes just as well!

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