Wednesday, March 2, 2016

February Goals

So, I completed all goals for February except for my house project. For some reason, going through clothes is a hard task and I can't get myself to do it. Hopefully one of these months, I'll get it done, but it's not going to be my goal for March. We were able to see a soccer game, which was nice as I thought we weren't going to be able to. I'm glad we're going again as Kylie really does enjoy watching Scott play soccer. A lot of the time she isn't paying attention, but she will stop every once in a while and point out daddy. We also had a date night, where we went to a Valentine's Dance that some members of the ward put on. Scott worked that night, but he charged so he got off early. We danced a little bit, but since they had a live band the music was a little hard to dance to. There was just a generation gap there that it made it hard to really have fun. Afterwards, we just drove around a bit since we didn't want to go home yet.
     For art activities, we did hearts with toilet paper rolls. The paint soaked into the rube a lot and so it didn't paint as well as the pictures showed online. We did make Valentine's for the grandparents with them.  The other activity we did was just some painting. I showed Kylie how to paint her hands and feet and do prints.
I did lots of treats for February as well, but I didn't get pictures of any of them (except the cupcakes, which is on a different post). We made sugar cookie bars for Valentine's Day because that was easier than doing a lot of sugar cookies. I also made applesauce chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, cupcakes and Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies. I am loving this idea of making a treat each week. I told Scott that I wanted to be a home that always had some sort of baked good/cookies in the house. That way when our kids have friends come over, we'll be the cool house with delicious goodies. Hehe. I also posted about our friend get together on another post. My craft project was doing stuff for Brianna's baby shower. It was nice to do some crafting, but it was also nice because my mom bought all the stuff. I was able to update Jordan's baby book and also finish a photo book for 2013. With the photo book, I had to add on extra pages! I have a feeling that I'll have to do the same for 2014 as we did a lot of fun stuff that year as well.
All in all, February was pretty successful. I'm excited for March!

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