Monday, February 6, 2012

What's been going on...

Here are some updates on life:

The Husband: Scott has started working at his new R.N. job!  His first day was Sunday night and it went well for him.  He is with a trainer, so he works all the shifts that she does and so he will mostly work graveyard shifts (7pm-7am) and 3pm-11:30pm shifts.  It will definitely be an adjustment for him to start working graveyards again.  He had graveyard shifts when he did his internship last summer, so it's been a while.  It's exciting to think that he is working at a job where he truly wants to work.
Ready to head out to his first day of work!
The Wife:  Teaching is going good for me.  I went to a conference on Saturday and it is always nice to hear different ideas from other teachers.  I actually used an idea that I heard on Saturday while teaching today and it went well, so as boring as those conferences are, I can get some helpful information.  In my spare time, I have been working on a craft project.  I am halfway done in making a felt rosette wreath for Valentine's Day.  It should probably be done by now, but as long as it's up by Valentine's Day, I'll be happy.
 The two of us: Scott did the sweetest thing last Friday, the 3rd.  I was teaching and at my school and Fridays are shorter days to where school is done at 12:30pm instead of 2:45pm.  The teachers then have meetings from 12:30-2:45.  Anyways, the point is that I got done teaching early around 10:45am.  I wasn't expecting to see Scott until later that afternoon when I was done with school.  I had just barely finished teaching my last class and was at my desk when I looked up and I see Scott walking in holding some flowers.  He had to come up to the area to do things for his new job and decided to stop by and say hi.  I think the last time he came to visit me at school was while we were dating/engaged, so it was such a surprise!  I was so happy to see him and since I was finished teaching and my meetings wouldn't start for another hour or so, we went out to lunch.  It was so nice just to spend time and talk with him.  I hadn't seen him for the last 3 days because of our opposite schedules.
I love bragging about how lucky I am to have married such a sweet guy.  Here are my pretty flowers:

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