Sunday, July 22, 2012

4th of July

This 4th of July, we decided to start out the day with a hike.  We went with my mom, Aaron, Brianna and Kyle.  We let mom choose the hike and it was one nobody had done, so nobody knew what to expect.  We started about 8:30 and went up big cottonwood canyon to hike to Lake Blanche.  The hike started out really well and everybody was feeling fine.  It had said on a sign that the hike was 3 miles there and 3 miles back.  I don't know if it was the heat or the fact that most of us hadn't been on a hike all summer, but that hike did not feel like it was 6 miles total.  It felt more like 8, which when you're hot and tired, 2 miles makes a difference.

Brianna threw up a little on the way up, I didn't wear the best shoes so my feet and ankles were hurting and it was getting hot, so we started complaining.  I did feel bad that the hike wasn't as fun as it was meant to be though.  I guess we were just expecting a leisurely hike or something.  I'm not sure, but either way, we were tired and exhausted afterwards, which made for a more relaxed 4th of July.
Scott was craving a bbq, so we did make sure to have a bbq lunch at grandma's and then we mostly sat around either watching t.v. or playing on the wii.  Scott had to work that night, so he left and the rest of us just sat around deciding whether or not we wanted to go see fireworks.  I was hitching a ride back with Brianna and Kyle and since it doesn't get dark until about 10:00pm and there was a 45 minute drive back home, we decided to leave early and just go home.

At first, I was a little sad that I wouldn't get to see fireworks for the second year in a row, but I was fine with it once I got home and realized how exhausted I was from that hike (not exercising since the marathon really put me out of shape or something).

Like I said, it was a very relaxed 4th which is good to have every once in a while.

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