Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday Weekly Recap

Last week was a good week.  Some things didn't occur on the day they were supposed to again, but it's fine.  We had two busy days and had fun celebrating Scott's being done with his first semester of graduate school!  He took his final test on Thursday afternoon and was worried about it the rest of the day and pretty much all day Friday.  He found out Friday night that he passed his test and the class--pathophysiology.  I'm glad that he has a 2-month break until school starts again (last day of August).  He'll be working full-time and any extra days that he can, but I'm just glad that on his days off he'll be able to relax instead of worrying about homework.

Anyway, I was supposed to do a father's day craft on Monday, but I never got around to it (Monday's have become a day of relaxing and not doing much).  So, sorry to my dad and father-in-law who didn't get a cute card from Kylie.  I'll make up for it next year.  Tuesday, we did not go to the library, but we did do some shopping at Costco and Wal-Mart.  Wednesday, I cleaned the house and Scott took Kylie to an animal shelter close by.  It is a small shelter, but they did have a small area with 3 kittens running around and Kylie just loved it.  Scott took some cute pictures of her chasing after the kitties.
Also, I'm not sure what day this happened, but Scott went down with Kylie to watch The Lion King with popcorn and it was just super cute to see them hang out together.  Kylie really enjoyed the movie because she recognized a lot of the animals in it.
Thursday was a busy day.  It was the last day for Scott to take his test with a 3-hour time limit.  We decided that the best way to make sure he's not distracted is for me to leave the house with Kylie.  I had made a list of all these places to go and brought everything I needed.  We only made it to 3 out of the 6 places before Kylie fell asleep.  I was able to do a little clothes shopping and got a cute dress from Target and a shirt and tie from Ross.  I was a little bummed that I didn't find as many shirts as I would have liked since a lot of the ones I have now are starting to get too small.  After shopping, the plan was to go to Chick-fil-a, get lunch and then go to the park by the library to have a picnic.  Well, Kylie fell asleep on the way to the library, so I turned around and went home.  I was debating on what to do since it had only been 2 hours, but I figured that Kylie would be sleeping and wouldn't bother Scott anyway. (however, just to ease Scott's mind, I should have stayed out the whole time)  After Kylie's nap and Scott's test, we headed to the animal shelter again to feed the bunnies they have there.  We planted some lettuce in Kylie's little garden, so we brought some leaves and a few carrots.  Kylie had fun with the kitties again and feeding the bunny (the other one got adopted the night before) and hamsters.
Then we headed to the splash park which is just right next door. Kylie seems to enjoy sitting in a pool rather in running through water, so I'm not sure how much we'll go to the splash park this summer.  After playing in the water and swinging on the swings, we went grocery shopping and then had dinner at home.  Kylie went to bed without any trouble this day!

Since Thursday was such a busy day, I made a treat on Friday.  I was looking through my pinterest board for cookie ideas and came across these peanut butter and chocolate chip banana cream pudding cookies. They were actually really good as the banana flavor didn't come across too strong.  We headed to Brita's around 4:00pm and Kylie was able to swim in the little pool that they have. She would not get out no matter how much she was shaking from being cold.  Scott and Lane left to go play some golf and at one point in the evening, Brita and I were talking thinking that all the kids were downstairs.  Brita went into her room for something and found Kylie and Dylan in the bathroom standing next to an overflowing toilet!  They had stuffed a whole roll of toilet paper in and had bits and pieces in their hair and on their clothes.  We quickly put them in the tub so we could try to clean up.  Brita tried unclogging the toilet, but it kept overflowing when she'd try so we just waited until Scott and Lane came back.  These two kids sure are trouble makers when they're together.  It's cute to watch them play together, but now we've got to keep a close eye on them.  Once the kids were in bed (Scott actually got Kylie to sleep), we played quite a few rounds of Bang! It was a fun day.  We relaxed all day Saturday since we had two busy days in a row.

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