Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday Thoughts

This is a post for those things that are too short for their own separate post.

1. I wish that I had pictures from my birthday as it was such a fabulous one.  The morning started off with getting some donuts at the new Smith's Marketplace just down the street.  Then Scott headed off to school while I planned on taking Kylie to the library as it was the last day of story time before the summer.  Since we had woken up a bit earlier, Kylie fell asleep on the way to the library! So, that plan didn't work out and I got some lunch at Wendy's instead.  Then, we just hung out at home the rest of the day.  Scott came home from school and started cleaning up.  I had the idea that my mom was just going to come over for dinner, cake and ice cream.  Sure, it's nice to clean up for my mom, but I didn't care too much to really make things look nice.  I noticed that Scott was getting an extra table out, chairs and wanted me to quickly vacuum the living room.  I was so naive and had no idea what was going on.  The doorbell rings and the first set up people for my surprise party walk through the door!  I was so shocked that Scott planned this and actually kept it a secret! He has a hard time keeping secrets, especially from me.  It was so nice to see friends and family and just hang out and talk that night.  I really wasn't expecting anything big as we were going out to dinner the next night to celebrate, so it really was icing on the cake to have a surprise party.  I just love Scott so much for doing that for me.  It was an amazing day.

2. Like I said in the yard work post, it's been raining a lot recently which is great for the yard, but hard to get out of the house and play.  Surprisingly, Kylie enjoys the rain and wouldn't mind hanging out in it all the time.  I got some pictures of her playing in it one day and they are adorable.
3. Even though baby #2 isn't here yet, it seems like Kylie realizes that her undivided attention with us is limited.  She has become a lot more cuddly and wants to be wherever we are at home.  Poor Scott has a hard time getting school work done because Kylie just wants to be around him and I have to really distract her from interrupting him.  Besides when she was sick last, Kylie doesn't normally fall asleep on my lap.  However, she's fallen asleep twice in the past two weeks!  It is so adorable and although it can get annoying at times (her wanting to be around me all the time), I am soaking up the extra cuddles with her.
4. Now that summer is upon us, we'll probably be buying a watermelon every week.  There is no question that Kylie is Scott's daughter as she loves fruit just as much as he does.  A few weeks ago when we did buy one, Kylie grabbed a section of watermelon and stuck her face in it before Scott had a chance to cut it up for her.  It was pretty hilarious and she ate quite a bit.  Sure love this funny girl of mine.
5. While at Brita's one day, Scott was awesome and played with the kids for a while outside.  They had a lot of fun just chasing him around the yard.

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