Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday Weekly Recap

This recap is from 2 weeks ago and not too much happened that week.  There were a few busy days and a few lazy days.  Monday, I tried hard to remember what happened and I have no clue except that we went to the park.  I think it's safe to assume that if nothing else happens that day, you can count on us taking a trip to the park.  Tuesday, we headed down to American Fork for Scott's dentist appointment.  He'd been having a mild toothache for a few weeks and when it really started causing pain, he decided to go see someone.  He called a dentist who said he couldn't do anything since it was too far back and sent him to a root canal specialist.  Scott really enjoyed the specialist and made getting a root canal look pain free.  While he was at the dentist, Kylie and I went to IHOP for $.57 pancakes.  It wasn't busy at all and a fun little activity for the two of us.  After that, we found a park close by to play at until Scott was finished.  Later that night, we headed to Home Depot to look at paint samples for the baby's room.  We decided to paint the room a gray color as it's a clean slate and I can decorate however I'd like.  I don't have any ideas at the moment, so it's nice that I can do a lot with gray walls.
Wednesday, Kylie and I headed up to my Aunt Debbie's house to pick some raspberries from their garden.  We weren't able to pick a lot as it started pouring rain on us!  It was also a little difficult because Kylie wanted to be held by me the whole time which cuts into how many raspberries I could get.  We headed back home, I cleaned the house and then made some mini pizzas for dinner.
Thursday, Kylie was feeling a little sick in the morning and took a super long nap in the afternoon.  I was able to go grocery shopping and clothes shopping by myself!  Sometimes it is nice to have a break and not take Kylie with me everywhere.  Kylie was feeling better later that night so we went to play at the park.  Friday was a super lazy day and we stayed at home all day.  Saturday was a busier day.  Since I wasn't able to pick many raspberries on Wednesday, Debbie was nice and let us come up again Saturday morning to pick more!  Scott was happy he was able to come this time and we ended up with quite a few.  I didn't want to make any jam with them this year as we still have a lot of jam from years past.  So, I froze a few bags, we ate a container and then I saved some to make homemade ice cream for Scott's birthday.  We love that we have family that allows us to come and  indulge in delicious fruit.  After picking raspberries, Kylie went to her first birthday party!  It was very nice that Kylie was invited to this party and she had a ton of fun.  It made me a little excited for when she gets older and birthday parties become a regular thing.  As usual, we ended the day with going to the park.
Cute picture. Too bad Kylie's face is half covered.
So many raspberries!
Dance party!
Cake & ice cream

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