Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jordan is 2-months old

Jordan had his two-month check up on Monday. He did great the whole time, even with his shots. I'll say this every month, but he is just growing too fast. He is such a blessing in our lives and I am so glad he is part of our family. Here are some things about Jordan at two-months.
  • He is starting to coo and smile a lot more now. He is becoming such a ham. I could spend all day just smiling, cooing and interacting with him. I also could have sworn that I heard him do a little giggle the other day while he was sleeping. Of course, he hasn't done anything like it since, but I hope that he laughs earlier than Kylie did (she didn't laugh until after 6 months).
  • He is such a strong boy! He can hold his head up really well and can hold it weight while standing for a few seconds. 
  • He is still waking up every 2-3 hours to eat throughout the day and night. Since starting breastfeeding up again (more on that later), he seems to want to eat more often. I like it because I'm breastfeeding him, but it sure isn't fun to not be getting more sleep at night. I hope he'll start sleeping more soon. I need my sleep!
  • He really is such a happy, easy baby! We have been blessed to have him have such a mild temperament. Kylie has always been active and moving and it would be very hard if Jordan was just like her as a baby. I just love that he'll go with the flow.
  • Jordan's stats from the doctor's: Weight 11 lbs. 13 oz (38%) and Height 23 inches (45%)
So like I mentioned before, I started breastfeeding Jordan again. I tried when he was first born and even with using a nipple shield, it was hard to get him to latch and stay latched. Hormones and emotions are all over the place the first few weeks and the stress of breastfeeding does not help. I started pumping and feeding him with a bottle. I was pumping enough for him to eat, so he was happy and I was happy to not be stressed out every time I tried to feed him. Exclusively pumping worked really well. The only time there were issues was when I went on vacation to Missouri and couldn't pump as often as I needed to. I also loved that while pumping, I was able to pump extra and start freezing some. Scott's sister Brita talked to him about convincing me to try breastfeeding again as it would free me from being so tied down to the pump. Surprisingly, I decided why not and Jordan latched right away! Some babies don't latch or care to breastfeed after being bottle fed, since they don't have to work as hard to get their food. Jordan was fine with it and continues to be able to go back and forth between the two. I still give a bottle right before bed and then whenever we're out somewhere. I'm not comfortable to breastfeed in public yet, since it's only been like 2 weeks since starting. It's only been two months, but I'm proud of the fact that Jordan's had breast milk this whole time (with the exception of a tiny amount of formula the first week he was born). Two months is more than I was able to do with Kylie. Also, the fact that I have a frozen stash and am still adding onto it is another amazing feat. I'm just proud that feeding him as gone well so far. Now, here are some cute pictures of our adorable Jordan.

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