Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kylie's Birthday

Kylie is 3 years old now! She had a great birthday and birthday party (on a separate post). Let me mention a few facts about Kylie:
  • Stats from the doctor's: Height 37.5 inches (60%); Weight 30 lbs. (50%)
  • Kylie still enjoys watching shows and movies. Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  • Kylie is starting to play make-believe with her toys. It is fun to hear her imagination going when she plays. 
  • She is starting to become more perceptive of what's going on around her. She recognizes the way to our house and gets confused if I ever turn down a different street. 
  • She has a lot of different interests: any of the Clubhouse characters, dinosaurs, Barbie, princesses, Minions, etc.
  • She can count to 10, knows some shapes, knows her colors and can draw a 'circle'. Today she even started re-reading a book back to me.
  • Kylie enjoys playing with Jordan, but can sometimes be a little too rough. She is going to be excited when he is old enough for her to actually rough house with.
  • She is still potty training as she hasn't gotten pooping in the potty down at all. She is still scared of public restrooms, so that makes going out for longer periods of time a little more difficult. 
  • She is still a girl that loves to move. She loves to swim, run/chase, climb, jump on furniture and twirl in circles. 
  • She is starting preschool in a few weeks and I am so excited to see the changes that will happen in her from going. It's going to be such a good thing for her.
  • I need to start documenting the cute things she says, but my favorite is when she says I love you. 
  • Kylie says thank you all the time now. It's cute to hear her say specifically what she's thankful for. She'll also keep saying thank you until you say you're welcome.  
One of the rooms at the doctor's office. It was perfect for Kylie! She loved it.
Kylie's birthday was all about her and she had a lot of fun. We started the day out with some Mickey waffles (waffle iron borrowed from my friend Joni) for breakfast. After that she opened presents from Scott and I and she loved all of them. Then we headed to McDonald's for lunch. We were going to Scott's parents house and so we stopped at the McDonald's down in Saratoga, but we didn't know that it didn't have a play place so that was a bummer. Since Kylie loves to swim, we headed to the pool and had some fun swimming. Then it was dinner, more presents, movie and game playing. Becky came into town and then she headed back to our house to stay the night and help with Kylie's party the next day. It was a fun day celebrating our Kylie girl.
She was so happy to see the stuffed Mickey in the bag.
Dinosaur book!
Jordan liked helping her open presents.
This was the best gift. It was a "book" with Clubhouse figurines and she loves them. She refers to them as her friends.
Excited to show me Pluto.
Ice cream!
Becky got her the book 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie'
I think this might have been Kylie's favorite gift. It's one of those battery powered cars and she just loves to drive her Minnie car all the time.
She was excited about her Barbie doll.

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