Thursday, October 11, 2012


I'm going to brag a little bit about my husband.  He is the best.  Scott works graveyard shifts (7pm-7am), so he is extremely tired when he gets done.  Today, I was at school watching my kids cook some healthy muffins when I see him walk in with flowers!  I was totally shocked to see him!  We talked for a minute when a student yelled out "Is that your man?!"  Haha. It was pretty funny.  He left pretty quickly since it was 8:30am and he needed some sleep! (I mean seriously, he stayed up all night and despite how tired he was, drove all the way to my school just to give me flowers. Wow.)

The flower stems were long and we have no vases in our kitchens at school, so I was looking through cupboards trying to figure something out when a student suggested to use a blender.  So, I did! 
When I thanked Scott for them later, he said that he had read my blog post from yesterday and decided that I needed some cheering up.  Gosh, I love my man!  He sure knows how to treat me well.

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