On Friday, September 23rd Scott emailed the dean of the nurse practitioner program at BYU to see if he could meet with her. The dean emailed back with two dates to meet and both of those days were ones where he worked. Scott talked to his manager and was able to get Tuesday off of work since they had been very slow and would probably not need Scott that day anyway. We spent Monday, the 26th preparing for his meeting. We were trying to figure out what exactly needed to be said and making sure we had all the paperwork. In hindsight, we should have made copies and put together binders on Monday, but we just didn't do it.
Tuesday, September 27th was a big day. We headed to Brita's house to pick her up (as she was going into the meeting with Scott) and we left Kylie there to play with her cousins and grandma Fletcher. We were headed down early to make copies, but I reminded Scott about getting a letter from the psychiatrists office and we headed to the office. As luck would have it, the doctor was there and was able to write the letter for him. If he did not get this letter, I'm not sure the outcome would have been the same. Even though getting this letter was super important, it cut into copying paper and putting them together. We were rushed for time and I dropped Scott and Brita off to run to the meeting. After dropping them off, I headed to see my mom and hang out until the meeting was over. Our plan was to see the ducks, but we ended up just walking along the pathway. We could have seen the ducks since the meeting went longer than I thought it would, but that's okay. Jordan had fun walking and playing in the water. After an hour and a half, Brita and Scott walked out and told us the good news of him getting back into the program!! I'm so glad that Brita was there to help advocate for Scott and that he had everything he needed to help get him back in. Of course, we wish he never had to go through this process, but I'm just glad that he's back in and that we have an end in sight.
Scott had a work meeting that night and so he went to that and we weren't able to really celebrate the good news. We messaged our friends and we had a little party the next night. I'm so glad we were able to tell everyone the good news. The next year and a half will be stressful and hard, but I know it will be worth it to see Scott graduating with his masters degree in the spring of 2018.
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